It's the Magazine's 7 days, 7 questions quiz - an opportunity to prove to yourself and others that you are a news oracle. Failing that, you can always claim to have had better things to do during the past week than swot up on current affairs.
1.) Multiple Choice Question
The number of 16-24-year-olds not in employment, education or training - known as Neets - has gone up in England. But what were they referred to before Neets was coined?
2.) Multiple Choice Question
Susan Boyle was the best-selling UK act abroad in 2010, for the second year running. But who came second?
Mumford and Sons' album Sigh No More sold 1.3 million, placing them third. James Blunt's Some Kind of Trouble sold 900,000 copies overseas, making him joint fifth. Take That's Progress - the top-selling album in the UK last year with sales of 1.8 million - sold a further 800,000 copies abroad, making it the eight biggest selling album abroad.
3.) Missing Word Question
Dinosaur named * discovered
jelly bellythunder thighsair head4.) Multiple Choice Question
Nasa's shuttle Discovery is on its final mission, after a long career. Which of the following is NOT true?
There is a tradition of naming shuttles after ships. Discovery was partly named after one of two vessels used in the early 1600s by Henry Hudson to explore Hudson Bay and search for a Northwest passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It hooked up with the Mir space station in 1995.
5.) Multiple Choice Question
A production of Frankenstein is being staged at the National Theatre in London, ignoring the dozens of films and going right back to the original novel. What was the book's subtitle?
6.) Multiple Choice Question
"Baby gaga" was in the news this week, what is it?
Nickname revealed in Sarah Brown's memoirs that she gave herself when she was pregnant7.) Multiple Choice Question
Almost 2,000 guests have been invited to the royal wedding, it was announced this week. Which group of people has received the most invitations?
It's Status zer0. The term started to be used in 1993 and came from a technical classification, status 0, with those in education being status 1, those in training status 2 and those in employment status 3. The Neet acronym was reportedly first coined in 1996. It was Sade. Her album Soldier of Love sold 2.3 million copies abroad, bettered only by Boyle, whose album The Gift sold 3.7 million copies. It's thunder thighs. Scientists have named the newly-discovered sauropods Brontomerus - thunder thighs in Greek - because of the huge muscles they think it had. It did not launch the first American woman into space. It was, however, the first shuttle to be piloted by a woman, Eileen Collins in 1995. It was A Modern Prometheus, after the Greek Titan that stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans. It's the name of ice cream made from breast milk, now on sale at a shop in London. The milk is blended with Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest and then freshly churned. It's representatives from William's charities - 80 have been invited. There will also be 50 members of the British monarchy, 40 foreign royals and 30 members of the defence services.Your Score
0 - 3 : Invite in the post
4 - 6 : Evening only
7 - 7 : Top table
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